Attention Kapusta, Micelli, SSI, Action, and TULSA followers- PLEASE READ


Rx Senior
Oct 14, 2004
First of all I want to personally thank the 5 that I have just listed. You guys are great and we all appreciate the work you put into you plays. MOST of all though we all appreciate that you do this all for free. Posting pics on therx adds a lot of stress. I know I put a lot of hard work into my plays, and I feel way more stressed out posting them here. I know that some people follow my picks and not only do I lose when my pics lose, some of you guys lose. I don't post pics for attention on here(and either do these guys) but I post them to help others out. When my pics fail, I fail in my goal of doing that.

So many of you are probably wondering what this is all about. Well I know THOUSANDS of people are making money on these plays on a daily basis and we owe them.

So here is what I am going to do.

Most all of you probably have Neteller accounts. I do not think it is much to ask that a good amount of you send me $5-10-?? to my Neteller account and I will put all that money together to buy these guys a nice dinner at the finest restraunts in thier cities with thier significant others. Also a nice bottle of wine or the finest bottle of hard shit that we can find. With the amount of work that these guys put into these plays deserves something in return.

Tulsa- This man deserves a dinner also. He is one of the best posters on this site and he puts a lot of work into the POD threads.

So please e-mail me. I will give you the e-mail associated with my Neteller account so you can send the money

Congrats Micelli, Kapusta, Action, and SSI and wonderful seasons so far.


$5 - $10 is not that much to ask.

The Rx. does not allow posters to use private email address in threads in any of our sport forums..

Anyone wanting to contact another poster by email please contact me at
Include your own exact user name and the exact user name of the poster you want to contact.
I will forward messages but not give out email addresses of posters who have not previously OKd' it by email.

Thank you, wilhiem..
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Rx Senior
Oct 14, 2004
By the way, this is in no disrespect to anyone I did not list. You are all doing great jobs and if anyone wants to throw anyone I did not list a few bucks I will also Coordinate dinners for them also.

Wil or one of the mods could you please send me the 5 guy's emails that I listed. Thanks.

Nov 29, 2005
I personally think this is a crazy idea. Good luck with your endeavor.

Rx Senior
Oct 14, 2004
Vallon said:
I personally think this is a crazy idea. Good luck with your endeavor.

And why? Kapusta alone gets over 5000 views a day with hundreds of people telling him HOW MUCH MONEY they are making off his plays. Would it be that hard to throw FIVE measley days my way and chip in so he could take his wife out to dinner? Same goes for the other four I listed. Almost 75% of the guys here probably have a neteller account, it take 1 minute to send money. Vallon, do you realize the time and effort these guys put into the site a week? Don't even tell me that you have never bet one of Kapusta's games. :drink:

Rx Senior
Oct 14, 2004
here is some Qoutes-

"I will be up 10-20 units from Mon-Fri., thanks to the awesome cappers here (you all know who you are)"

"But I must be hitting 70% this week alone from everybody on here"

"i rather follow these guys here then post my plays and have everyone bash me for losing."

"Fat boy is very happy tonight.Great picks guys!!"

"I don't know shit about NCAA basketbal so I started tailing a few cappers in this forum while hockey is on break. Tailed Kapusta, Sherwood and SSI for the most part the last couple days. These guys are money. "

"Do yourself a favor & add Micelli to your list. I've said it before but it's worth repeating....If you're not making $$$ from this board you must either be illiterate or retarded"

"thanks for all the winners kapustacash. it's great to be paid on installments instead of me paying on installments"

<!-- / message -->

Rx Senior
Oct 14, 2004
Clip Joint said:
I think he is referring to sending money to someone other than the actual posters.

ahaha, I will send you all my addy and you can come hunt me down! Does anyone really think I would set all this up to steal your guys' money? I have been here for over two years and made a lot of friends a long the way. Not going to waste that for a couple hundred bucks. :icon_conf

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I like the guy in the Tracker Forum named T3A. He has a great basketball record and doesn't run his mouth.

New member
Oct 2, 2005
Kruser, its a great overall idea. I am certainly going to do something for these guys. I have done some thinking about this myself and I am planning to be at one of the Rx bashes this year, most likely the August one, and I am thinking that might be the time to show my appreciation to the excellent cappers by getting them all together, and any other Rx cappers who wish to come, and buying them dinner at a very nice place.

Not to say your idea is not good at all. It's a great idea! But dont feel bad if you dont get a huge response. Everyone appreciates these guys and I have no doubt the good karma they have created will come back to them 10fold!

Nov 29, 2005
I guess maybe it's because I have seen so many guys come and go, hot and cold streaks. If they have the time to share their picks, great, if they don't, great, they don't owe anyone anything. It's not a resposibility.

I just don't think it will happen because all those views you see are lurkers, they will not come forward.

And you are right, personally, I have won games with the picks from all the guys you have listed. I have also lost games with their picks as well. When I had the time, I usually give them their props in their threads for the wins, I never complain about the losses. Heck, Ace-Ace made me over 1000 in the playoffs alone, but the idea of giving him 5 bucks or 10 bucks is somehow insufficient/cheap.

Rx Senior
Oct 14, 2004
I would be very surprised and dissappointed if these guys didn't jump forward and pitch $5 measly dollars in a pot to buy these cappers dinners for them and thier wives.

Smack - I don't know how many of the five will be even at the bash, and dinner is served Saturday giving you one day to take them all out to dinner. I don't know if you could make that happen in the short weekend. This way we could show them thanks on thier schedule when they wanted to go out and eat.

Rx Senior
Oct 14, 2004
Vallon said:
Heck, Ace-Ace made me over 1000 in the playoffs alone, but the idea of giving him 5 bucks or 10 bucks is somehow insufficient/cheap.

Amazing. Cheap and insufficient? So you would rather do nothing?

Rx Senior
Oct 14, 2004
fivedoorsdown said:
:puppy: where do i send my check

excuse me, did I ask for a check. Sorry if you are that worried about getting ripped off $5 by me. Don't have a neteller account with five dollars in it?

New member
Sep 21, 2004
why would i have neteller. i live in the US. and the credit cards i use from the banks wont let you use netteller.

Rx Senior
Oct 14, 2004
"I was a long time madjacker and started following you and Action about a year ago. You dug me out of a hole this week and I finally had to register and say thanks. This is a tough time of year and I usually go down in flames. Keep it goin' man great job!! "

"Thank you Kapusta!! 2 nights in a row, 10 units gain from your picks!
You are awesome!"

Yeah Baby....Great Job!!!!!!!!!"

"Are you trying to get us all banned from every sportsbook on the planet"

"Thanks For All Your Plays
<HR style="COLOR: #fdde82" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->GREAT JOB MICELLI!!! :toast:

MIC....thanx for the great pic on it at -3 but ez ez cover

Man..your picks kick ass...:pope:

Thanks for the big winner Mic!!!!!!

Micelli, thanks for the easy winner on Northeastern, and for all the winners before them, and all the winners after them. Great job!!

Rx Senior
Oct 14, 2004
fivedoorsdown said:
why would i have neteller. i live in the US. and the credit cards i use from the banks wont let you use netteller.

you credit cards have nothing to do with neteller. Its directly linked to your bank account for Lightning fast deposits and withdrawals directly into you bank account. If you are funding sportsbooks with credit cards thats stupid.

Nov 29, 2005
Kruser6 said:
Amazing. Cheap and insufficient? So you would rather do nothing?

Actually, I was thinking of sending him about $100, or roughly 10% of my winnings, I'm not sure if that's enough. I am leaning more along the lines of maybe 20% or $200. Still probably not enought after all, he bets thousands per game. Why don't you tell me what I should do for Ace-ace to make him feel that he's appreciated?

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